Sector Standard page

This sample page is a node of the 'page' content type added to 'Section A' in the main menu. It is displayed using the 'standard page' page variant.

Sector supports a variety of Information Architecture principles - one is to organise your content hierarchically. Hierarchical content is stored in pages which are organised in a menu. 

The concept of hierarchical content works well with:

  • Linear content structure and user movements (book-like content, navigating from A to B to C)
  • 'Layered' information architecture (information in layers, starting with an introductory top layer).


Standard & Poor's

Domestic Currency


Positive outlook


LGFA's estimated market share of local government debt

Loans to Auckland Council are limited to a maximum of 40% of total loans.

Known limitations:

  • Scalability - a menu hierarchy fails if there are too many items per level, or if the weight between branches is unbalanced.
  • Hierarchical content assumes the principle of 'one page, one position'. This often does not work in a web context - if the principle is broken, context is lost.

{sample content}

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