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  • Risk management

    … through domestic and international wholesale and retail debt capital markets, with the funds raised on-lent to … risk control limits to protect LGFA’s capital position and Net Interest Margin over time. Fund participating local … Rates Income <25% <30% Liquidity >110% >110% Table 2: LGFA Alternative Net Debt to Total Revenue Foundation Policy …
  • About LGFA

    … organisations. LGFA was established to raise debt on behalf of local authorities on terms that are more favourable to them than if they raised the debt directly. … About LGFA …
  • Nick Howell

    … Head of Sustainability effective 26 April 2021. Nick has a Debt Capital Markets background starting out in London before … being taking him to Westpac in Auckland in 2008 as Head of Debt Securities & Hybrids. When leaving Westpac in 2013, Nick …
  • Our story

    … Summit in 2009, another proposal for a local government debt vehicle was put forward.  On this occasion, the Global … example, LGFA’s capital structure includes Borrower Notes (debt securities that can be converted to equity under …
  • Sustainability at LGFA

    … established with the primary objective of optimising the debt financing terms and conditions for our member councils. …
  • Foreign Currency Debt Issuance

    … LGFA has the ability to issue two types of Foreign Currency debt. LGFA have MTN documentation in place to enable … with a programme limit of US$2 billion. … Foreign Currency Debt Issuance …
  • Sector Standard page

    … 86% LGFA's estimated market share of local government debt Loans to Auckland Council are limited to a maximum of …
  • Philip Cory-Wright

    … finance adviser in New Zealand to the corporate sector on debt and equity matters for more than 30 years. He is …
  • Guarantee arrangements

    … LGFA's debt obligations are guaranteed by its council shareholders …
  • Mark Butcher

    … and sales roles across derivative, interest rate and debt products at the National Bank of New Zealand and Westpac …
  • Useful links

    … The Reserve Bank of New Zealand The Treasury New Zealand Debt Management (NZDM ) Local Government in New Zealand Local …
  • Climate Action Loans

    … Emissions Reduction Targets. CALs are documented as debt securities under LGFA's Multi-issuer Deed and classified …
  • Jane Phelan

    … was Transactional Services Manager for the New Zealand Debt Management Office where she held the senior …
  • LGFA’s Carbon Footprint

    … We are very pleased to report that LGFA achieved Toitū net carbonzero certification in June 2021. The Toitū …
  • Neil Bain

    … Accounting and Transactional Services for the New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO) where he was responsible for …
  • Green, Social & Sustainability Loans

    … under the GSS programme. GSS Loans are documented as debt securities under LGFA's Multi-issuer Deed and classified …